Thursday, September 29, 2011

To our dear Bard-a-thon readers, volunteers, and sponsors...

A note from the staff and leadership at NC Stage.

I can’t express my appreciation enough to those people who choose to help NC Stage achieve its mission of creating professional theatre and education programming that affects people. At NC Stage we believe, we know, that theatre can be life changing.  Plays show us the unfamiliar and make it relevant, and they show us the familiar and make it new. Theatre can also help us grapple with the big questions—religion, politics, existence.  We do not pretend to offer answers; instead, plays can be a catalyst to discussion and exploration.  And when theatre is used as an educational tool, students are given access to a rich world of imagination, collaboration and creativity that serves them beyond school and helps them synthesize the raw facts and figures taught in core subjects.

Theatre is about telling a story and telling a story is what the world uses to understand the world.  So we’re very thankful to have been a part of the creative landscape in Asheville over the past 10 years.  When you buy a ticket or make a donation -- be it time or money -- to NC Stage, you become a part of this process of growth in our community and create value in the cultural, economic, social and educational life of Asheville and make the world just that much better. 

We thank you for your continued support over the last 10 years and look forward to another 10, 20, 30 years with you!

- Charlie

P.S. - Care to donate? Use this link!

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